

Field work: Summer plans of WildPosh

4 Mar 2025

The plans for WildPosh in 2025 involve the selection of sites throughout Europe, with a focus on semi-natural habitats adjacent to agricultural crops such as oilseed rape and wheat. Their site network includes ten sites in each of their four focal countries: Estonia, Germany, the UK, and Spain. At each site, samples will be collected from different environmental matrices, including nectar, pollen, leaves, soil, and water, using innovative methodologies such as an electronic pollen vacuum and a field centrifuge for nectar. In addition to collecting samples, the plants and pollinators will be surveyed.

Through collaboration with local farmers, data will be gathered on farming practices, including the use of plant protection products. Currently, WildPosh is preparing for the first of two sampling rounds, which are expected to begin at the peak of oilseed rape flowering. In the UK, this is anticipated to occur around mid-April, though it is, of course, weather-dependent. The second sampling round will take place later in the summer, after the flowering has ended.

Testing nectar sampling methods in the field, with a battery-powered field centrifuge on the table

Testing pollen collecting methods in the field, showing the “pollen vacuum”

Illustration of an example field site. The sampling area is a 20m deep strip along the crop edge, shown as a rectangle with green shading. Samples are collected inside this rectangle at set distances from the crop, and plants and pollinators are also assessed in this area. A 20m "buffer zone" can be imagined outside of the sampling zone, illustrated as another green box without shading. Figure and map data by Google (from Google Earth).